Several of my friends have recently become grandmothers and are eager to share photos of their newest pink or blue bundle of joy! I do not have a new grandchild but I do remember sharing photos from day one of my two precious grandchildren and I continue to flaunt their photos to all who will look! As I looked at the photos of all those precious babies, I noticed that most of the little darlings are all in the same pose, sleeping sweetly. Needless to say, they are all adorable!!!
I find it hard to comprehend that deep inside that precious, sweet newborn is a heart and a mind that is capable of being anything but adorable. The truth is that if any child’s heart goes unchecked and ignored the pride, selfishness, anger and fear will accelerate to unbelievable levels of sin. That heart when it is old enough to understand will need a remedy. The only remedy that will be available is God’s forgiveness.
Today I am reminded that before I met Jesus my heart was in this same sinful condition. I was born that way. The garden of my heart was nothing more than a plot of sinful soil. The ground was covered with rocks and weeds. If anything good was to come out of my heart it would only be temporary and I would not be prepared to withstand the storms of life. The fact was that if something didn’t change, my heart would always stay in this sinful condition.
To my great joy I found Jesus Christ, The Master Gardner and invited him to take up residence in my heart. Jesus tills the soil taking great care to remove the rocks that hinder planting his seeds of truth. Jesus also works consistently in my life to get rid of the weeds of selfishness and sinful pride. One very deep rooted weed is my need to control my life. If any of these ugly weeds are allowed to stay they will eventually take over my garden.
Even today I am realizing that I must not neglect the soil in my heart’s garden. If I do it will become parched and dry and my heart will begin to split into desperation and hopelessness. The boulders of fear and anger will roll into my garden, waiting for an unguarded moment to trip me up. Without a doubt, the weeds of sin will always choke out my love for God. I must also work into my heart’s soil the nutrients that are found in scripture and prayer.
The condition of the soil in my garden is of utmost importance! I must also step aside and let the Master Gardner put into place the garden design that he has chosen uniquely for my life. In the past I have tried to garden alone but now I know that I must step aside and I must wait for God to show me what to plant and which plants are in need of special attention. It is God who shows me which weeds must be uprooted and thrown away so that my garden will flourish. I am beginning to eagerly anticipate what my heart’s garden will look like when God is finished. I know if I will trust God with my life and if I am obedient, it will be beautiful!
Is your garden lacking the nutrients that are found in scripture and prayer?
Can you identify any boulders or weeds in your heart’s garden that need to be removed and uprooted?
Are you an independent gardener?
Have you learned that you need the help of Jesus, the Master Gardner?
What is Jesus currently encouraging you to remove from your garden?
Heavenly Father,
Help me today to allow you to be the Master Gardener in my life. Help me to allow you to prepare the soil and please take away all that hinders spiritual growth in my life. Please show me where the deep rooted sinful weeds such as, anger, pride, resentment, selfishness, fear, and impatience are growing. Help me to allow you to remove those weeds from my heart’s garden and show me what you desire to plant in their place. Father, I invite you to begin the beautification process that is needed in my heart’s garden so that I might be a person of influence for you.
In Your Name I pray. Amen.