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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blessed and Privileged

“Blessed are all who take refuge in him.”

Psalm 2:12b NIV

This morning I am reflecting on the thought that when God calls a person and reveals his truth to that individual, that person is truly blessed and privileged.

It always makes me sad to realize that there are individuals who simply do not believe in God and others who believe that there is a God, yet have zero desire to know him. Some people acknowledge that he is “out there” but feel he is unapproachable. Others fear him and still others dismiss him. Satan has provided people with so much wrong information that it is no small wonder that anyone comes to God. Simply put, Satan has deceived and lied to all of humanity big time!

In light of those dark facts there is still cause for great celebration and joy. The simple truth is that God is greater than Satan. Love and power are two attributes that sets God apart from Satan. Not only does God love us – he lavishly loves us!

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” 1 John 3:1a NIV

Today I am so glad that Jesus loves me lavishly and he never leaves me. Jesus is always in the depths of my heart’s garden waiting for me to meet him there. I confess that some days I am so busy that I don’t get to the garden. Other days I am so overcome with sadness and grief and I cannot get up the strength to walk into the garden. Sometimes I am so mad and angry I don’t even want to go to the garden. Yet the fact remains, Jesus Christ is already patiently sitting on a bench waiting for me to show up! I am indeed privileged and blessed to have Jesus Christ in my life. I readily admit that there are obstacles that will try to keep me out of the garden, but I must learn to identify them. I have great need to be in the presence of Jesus and I must continue to frequently go to the garden to receive his love and instruction. Spending time with Jesus is both a blessing and a privilege!


If you have accepted Jesus Christ, do you feel blessed and privileged to have been called by him?

Can you identify any of the obstacles that hinder you from entering the garden of your heart?


Dear God,

Thank you for calling me to yourself. There are some days that I just can’t help but ask why me? Why have I been so privileged and blessed? God why are you so good to me? I know the answer is simple. It is because you love me. God please help others to know that they too are loved by you. I pray that the knowledge of your lavish love for me will cause me to seek to identify the obstacles in my life that hinder my relationship with you. Help me to recognize feelings and emotions that keep me so self indulged that I cannot get past my circumstance and come to you in the garden. God, help me to remember what a privilege and a blessing it is to be able to spend time with you, the God of the universe.

In Your Son’s Name I pray. Amen.