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Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Gardner Has a Message for You

photo by Amy Z.

"I have loved you with an everlasting love;

I have drawn you with loving-kindness.

I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt,”

Jeremiah 31:3-4 NIV

I have been a Christian for some fifty plus years. It has been a wonderful journey. Today I am taking a moment to walk in my garden and celebrate that God loves me with and everlasting love. Inside that love package is a tender kindness that is patient and gentle. God has been both compassionate and merciful to me. His grace has been amazing!

Today I am still ecstatic about my relationship with Jesus. He continues to reveal his truth to me and grant me his wisdom for living my life for his glory. To be perfectly honest, some days the path is bumpy and I have been known to stub my toe on an unsuspected rock in the garden. There have also been times that I have literally fallen to my knees in despair. But the truth is there is no safer place to be than in the garden alone with Jesus. There is no greater constant in my life than knowing that when I call on Jesus he will be there. He has never disappointed or failed me a single time. When life gets hard I can count on my faithful Jesus to be there for me working in all things for my eternal good.

I am excited about my relationship with Jesus and I don’t ever want to loose my enthusiasm for him. Today as I walk in my garden, I want to choose to count my blessings, rejoice in my salvation, smell the roses, enjoy God’s creation, and give thanks even for the difficult situations in my life, because I know that even in times of brokenness God will continue, to use those times for my good and his glory.

The Gardner’s message to me and you this day is “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.” I know that when life knocks me off my feet, and when my heart breaks into a million pieces Jesus has promised me that, “I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt.” His promise is the same for you.

So, today as I walk in the garden of my heart, there are beautiful petals that have been sprinkled along my pathway. Each petal reminds me of all of God’s incredible blessings to me and how he has loved me with an everlasting love. In love and kindness God continues to build me up. I am so glad that even in the most difficult times of my life, when it seemed that all I loved was torn away, God rebuilt my life and gave me his joy. Happiness is fickle and fleeting but God’s faithfulness remains forever.


What do you and Jesus have to celebrate?

When was the last time you experienced Jesus’ everlasting love and kindness?

How has God been faithful to you in the past?


Dear Lord,

“I have loved you with an everlasting love.” What a fantastic verse! God as you know, I live in a world where all love is not lasting. Hearts are breaking everyday and as a matter of fact, I have had my heart broken. I have come to see that a love without kindness is no love at all and cannot stand. Thank you that your love will always be kind and lasting. Thank you God that I can always count on you to rebuild me even if another tears me down. Today, I want to celebrate the amazing relationship that I have with you.

In Your Name I pray. Amen.