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Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Mouse in the Stable

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor,
so that you through his poverty might become rich.”
2 Corinthians 8:9 NIV

Have you ever wanted to be “a mouse in the corner,” so you could know what was going on in a place where you were not privileged to be? I have experienced that many times with my children!

I think that when I get to heaven, Mary, the mother of Jesus, is someone who I would enjoy sharing a cup of tea with. As a mother, I have many questions I would love to ask her. I would love to know her heart, especially on the evening of the birth to her child, Jesus, God’s Son. I would also like to ask her questions about how she felt during the days that led up to the birth of Jesus and then how she felt in the hours and days, and years that followed his birth. What was Jesus like as a toddler, a young child, a teenager, a young adult, a man?

For me the births of my two children were amazing events! I could not wait to share each child with my family and friends. I wonder if Mary felt the same way? There is no mention in the Bible that family members came to see Jesus in the early hours following his birth. Did she long for her mother and father to meet this child?

I wonder how much Mary comprehended as she, a virgin, was experiencing the reality of giving birth not only to a baby but to the Son of God. How very mysterious and unbelievable was this event to Mary and yet it happened. I would like to ask Mary how she felt looking into her newborn’s eyes. Did she see anything special? And as she looked over at this incredible man Joseph, what was she feeling? How could he be so loving, so caring, so forgiving? And what about that star, how bright was it? What about the shepherds and their story about the angels? How humbled did she feel that God had chosen her, a simple young woman, whose only offering was that she was available and willing to be used by God? Then my questions would turn and I would get down to the real women stuff, how bad did that stable smell and how hard and long was your labor? Ah yes, one more questions how completely did you fall in love with your new little bundle of blue?

I know I felt a bit of apprehension taking home Amy, our first child. She was very small 6 lb. 1 oz. She was so beautiful and her Dad and I wanted to give her the world on a silver platter. Yet, I wasn’t sure I was prepared for all that was going to be required of me that evening, not to mention raising her to adulthood. As her mother, I was responsible for so much regarding her immediate safety and care. But Mary – Wow! She not only had to care for her child but she was also caring for God’s Son! I wonder how she felt about that awesome task?

This Christmas week I do have so many questions for Mary.
Yes, I would have loved to have been “a mouse in the stable” the night God put on skin and was birthed into our sin centered world. I am amazed that our Savior Jesus Christ left the riches, the splendor and the glory of heaven and willingly became poor so that you and I might be rich!


What would you like to ask Mary?

What is it that amazes you the most about the events of Jesus’ birth?

Have you accepted Jesus Christ, God’s special gift to you?

Have you asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins so that you might have eternal life in heaven with him forever?

If you have not done so, why don’t you do so now?

Right now, at this beautiful Christmas season, would be a perfect time to pray a simple prayer and ask God for his forgiveness that he has provided through His Son Jesus Christ.


Dear God,

Thank you that you are a God who provided a second chance for humanity to be right with you. Mankind’s sin had to be atoned for and you, God, figured out and provided a way for that to happen. What an utterly unique and amazing plan! In phase one of your amazing plan you sent your only son, Jesus Christ, to be born to a virgin. It was your plan that your Son would enter our world as a helpless baby. God I am astonished that you literally put on skin and took on the form of humanity! Your Son grew to become a child and then a man. It was your perfect plan from the beginning that in just thirty-three short years, Jesus would be crucified on a cross as a sin sacrifice for humanity. Jesus the Savior, the Messiah, would become the sacrificial lamb. Even though it was man that sinned, you God personally paid the price for that sin. It was the sin of man that had to be atoned for. Thank you God for Christmas, because Christmas was that holy night that you began to work your flawless plan for my forgiveness. I now confess my sin to you and ask you to forgive my sin and to come into my life.

In you precious Son’s Name I pray. Amen.