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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Cared for by Jesus

“…Come and have breakfast.” John 21:12a NIV

When was the last time when someone cooked breakfast for you? If you are like me, I’m the cook! Young mothers are so busy that often they don’t even get to eat breakfast. I would imagine that many of you are rushing out of the house and into your car with only a food bar in your hand. Some of you will simply skip breakfast because you overslept and didn’t have time to eat.

It was again during my time alone with Jesus in the garden that he stirred my heart with the truth of yet another scripture. It was the story found in John 21:1-14. This is an amazing story. Jesus had been crucified and laid in the tomb. Jesus had risen and was making some unexpected appearances here and there to the disciples. The fact was the disciples were out of work and it seemed that their boss had closed up shop. What else was there to do but go back to fishing?

It was night time and several of the disciples (including Peter) went out to fish. They fished all night and in the early morning someone from the shore called out, “Friends haven’t you any fish?” At this point they did not recognize Jesus and probably didn’t appreciate the fact that this man was rubbing it in that they didn’t have any fish! Jesus then said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” This story further reveals that when they did, the catch was so great (153 fish to be exact) that they were unable to haul the net into the boat. At this point John recognized Jesus. Then Peter (the one who had denied Jesus three times,) jumped into the water and ran to meet Jesus! Peter was in such a hurry that he left the others to drag in the fish. How appropriate! Some work and some socialize.

Now here is the good part. When they all got to shore they realized that Jesus had laid a fire of burning coals and there was some fish on it and some bread. Jesus simply said, “Come and have breakfast.” Jesus took the bread and fish and gave it to his friends.

I am stirred deep within my heart and moved to unbelievable tears of joy when I realize that Jesus would cook breakfast for me. Just as Jesus provided for the physical needs of his loved ones, he has and will continue to provide for my physical needs a well. The second amazing thing is that no matter how many times I may fail Jesus, he never fails me. I am so glad that he allowed Peter to eat because I know that even in my failures Jesus loves me so much he would never deny me an opportunity to eat with him. He is the bread of life and there is plenty to go around.


Do you remember a time when Jesus was this personal with you?

How do you feel about the fact that even in your failure Jesus is always
faithful to you?


Dear Jesus,

Today I am so thankful for your amazing love to me. I am blessed to know that even when I am not faithful, you are. Thank you Lord that you love me in such a personal way that you would cook breakfast for me! That kind of personal care and attention to my physical need is mind boggling! I pray that this knowledge will enable me to trust you more and that it will challenge me to seek you and spend more time alone with you.

In Your Name I pray. Amen.