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Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Sweet Aroma of Jesus

“For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved
and those who are perishing.”

2 Corinthians 2:15 NIV

I love the analogy of my heart being God’s garden because there are so many spiritual truths to be found inside a garden. Some of those truths are found in the lessons of the preparation of the soil, the planting of the seed, the necessity of watering the plants, and the pruning of the plant. I also love the unique individuality of each flower and leaf, the sweetness of the fruit, the nourishment that comes from the vegetation, the flavor and the aroma of the herbs. Let us not forget the analogy of the Master Gardner and the loving care that he gives to our heart’s garden.

The fact is that when we begin our relationship with Jesus our soul is barren, dry and thirsty. We are in deep need of some nourishment and care. Our garden is empty and in need of some serious beautification. The fact is, that any heart no matter how ugly it has been in the past, it now changes when Jesus comes into that life. The sinful ugliness has been wiped clean. That heart now has a fresh start and God begins the beautification process of that life. I just love the fact that God is making something beautiful out of my life. I stand amazed yet happy that God would change me and use me for his purpose.

What are your favorite smells? For me it is a chocolate cake or an apple pie baking in the oven. It is the smell of freshly ground coffee, or it is entering the house and smelling the pot roast that has been slow cooking all day. I also love holding babies that have the fresh scent of baby powder and lotion. I love the smell of my husband’s after shave when he kisses me good morning. Of course, I love the smell of fragrant flowers! Smell is a precious gift from God. Pleasant smells are so wonderful that I don’t think I will even mention the smells that make me go running for fresh air.

The point is, God wants to change us so that we will have the aroma of Christ. God begins his work by taking our negative character traits and replacing them with his character traits. When this happens we become wrapped in the aroma of Jesus. Jesus begins to sweeten our spirit and he also begins the demolition of our walls of self protection. Jesus teaches us about love and hope. He teaches us to model his compassion and mercy. We learn about the amazing grace of God. Jesus begins to teach us how he thinks so that our thoughts can be changed to his thoughts.

I wish I could say that giving to God our undesirable character flaws like fear and anger, is a one time effort. But as long as we live we are subject to sin revisiting our life. However, I do believe that as we mature in our faith we also learn to recognize sin more quickly and then we are faced with the choice of what we will do with that sin. Even when our emotions are raw, through the power of the Holy Spirit, it is still possible to choose Jesus. When we do, others now experience the sweet aroma of Christ in our life.


Are you amazed that God wants to make something beautiful out of your life?

What has God been speaking to you about?

Do you desire to have the sweet aroma of Jesus Christ in your life?


Dear Jesus,

Once again I am reminded that I am a work in progress. I am indeed blessed that you would choose to make something beautiful out of my life. Help me to choose your ways over my ways. Help me to become submissive to the character changes that need to be made in my life. I want others to desire you because of your sweet aroma in my life. I desire to become a person of influence for you.

In Your Name I pray. Amen.

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